10 Important Facts About Google


10 Important Facts About Google


For many people in the world, the Internet starts with Google and no matter what, Google provides many important services to people for free, would you not like to know the important facts about Google that make Google the world's largest search engine.


1.     Google was founded on 4 September 1998.


2.     About 20 Trillion searches are done on Google all over the world i.e. 50 thousand searches are done on Google in 1 second.


3.     Google does not charge any money for its service from its users, then from where does it earn, it earns from advertisements, yes, 90 percent of Google's income comes from its advertisements.


4.     Google's daily earning is more than 5 billion rupees. By the time you blink your eyes, Google would have earned about 700 dollars, that is, 50 thousand rupees.


5.     There is a reason behind the zeros you see in Google's name when you search, actually the number that is formed by putting 100 zeros behind 1 is called "Googol", even if it is "Googol" on Google search You can also see by searching. This word is derived from "Google".


6.     You will be surprised to know that this number was made by Milton Sirota only at the age of 9 years, so thanks to Milton Sirota for Google.


7.     But why was Google not named "Googol", why was it named "Google"? This name of Google is a spelling mistake. While typing "Googol" was typed as "Google" and Google was born.


8.     The sign that appears on Google on a particular day is called a doodle, till now Google has made more than 1000 thousand doodles. They have this specialty that the name of Google remains hidden in the doodle created.


9.     Google's most popular service Gmail was launched on April 1, 2004, on this day April Fool's Day is celebrated in the world.


10.Google bought YouTube in 2006, today videos of 60 hours duration are uploaded on YouTube in 1 minute, you will be surprised to know that in a month, YouTube is viewed 6 billion hours worldwide.


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