what is bios in computer terms


what is bios in computer

Table of contents

BIOS Full Form

What is the meaning of BIOS?

What are BIOS?

Where is BIOS located?

What does BIOS do?

How to access BIOS?

How to configure BIOS?

How to update BIOS?

How much are BIOS?

BIOS frequently asked questions

What happens when you reset the BIOS?

What type of BIOS do I have?

Can a computer boot without BIOS?


BIOS Full Form

Full Form of BIOS is – Basic Input Output System

BIOS Meaning

Basic Input Output System.

What are BIOS?

BIOS is an abbreviation of the term Basic Input/Output System. This is the built-in software that determines what the computer can do without accessing programs from disk.

BIOS is an important part of any computer system. For example, on a personal computer (PC), the BIOS contains the code needed to control the keyboard, display screen, disk drives, serial communications, and a variety of other functions.


Where is BIOS located?

The BIOS software is stored on the non-volatile ROM chip on the motherboard. But this ROM is EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory), which means it can update or re-write the store BIOS.

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) stores all the setting of BIOS. This CMOS chip gets power from the battery, and when the battery is removed and reinserted, all the settings of the CMOS become default.


What does BIOS do?

Function of BIOS


The main function of the BIOS is to boot the operating system on the PC.


Ø Check CMOS setup for custom settings.

Ø Loading interrupt handlers and device drivers.

Ø Performing a power-on self-test (POST).

Ø To display system settings.

Ø Determining which devices can be booted.


How to access BIOS?

Press F2, F12, Delete or Esc immediately after the PC is turned on.

This key is different in every PC.


Configuring BIOS


When the setting of the BIOS is opened by the above method, and here many sets of text screens appear, which have many options. Some of these are standard and others vary with the manufacturer of the BIOS. The BIOS Setup Utility screen is usually divided into five tabs, Main, Advanced, Power, Boot, and Exit, and each tab has different options.

If you are changing the BIOS setting then do it carefully. Use the Tab and Arrow keys to navigate. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to change the value of the required item. Finally, press F10 to save the changes and exit.


How to update BIOS?


BIOS is the most critical part of the PC. So update BIOS only if necessary, as it is a complicated process and if an error occurs, it will render your computer unbootable.

Follow these steps to update BIOS

1.     Check the version of your BIOS in Windows:

Restart your computer and go to BIOS. Inside the BIOS, you'll find the version of the BIOS used by your computer's motherboard.

Press Win+R keys — Type “Msinfo32” in the search bar and click Ok. This will open the System Information Windows. In this you will see the version of BIOS.

In command prompt type “systeminfo | Type findstr /I /c:bios”


2.     Check if there are any BIOS updates available:


Once you have found the version of BIOS used by your computer's motherboard, it is time to find out if an updated version is available. If your PC is branded, check your computer manufacturer's web site and if your PC is unbranded, check the motherboard manufacturer's site for updates. And then download the correct BIOS update file.

3.     Read the documentation:

Before updating the BIOS, you should read the documentation file of the update carefully to avoid making your PC unbootable.


4.     Update your BIOS:

To update BIOS, exit all programs and run the exe file. After this install corner the PC will reboot and update the BIOS.


How much are BIOS?

There are two types of BIOS


UEFI – UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) can accommodate 2.2 TB or larger drives by using the Master Boot Record (MBR) approach in place of the more modern GUID Partition Table (GPT) technology. Although Intel PCs migrated away from the legacy BIOS and toward UEFI firmware, the BIOS has never been used by Apple's Mac PCs.


Legacy BIOS – Older motherboards have legacy firmware on the BIOS to start the PC. Although it controls how the CPU and components communicate, like UEFI, legacy BIOSes have other limitations. These can't recognize drives larger than 2.1 TB, and their setup programs have text-only menus.


BIOS frequently asked questions

What happens when you reset the BIOS?

Resetting your BIOS restores it to the last saved configuration, so the process can also be used to revert your system after making other changes.


What type of BIOS do I have?

Chuck your BIOS version using the System Information Panel. You can also find the version number of your BIOS in the System Information window. On Windows 7, 8, or 10, hit Windows+R, type “msinfo32” in the Run box, and then press Enter. The BIOS version number will appear on the on the System Summary.


Can a computer boot without BIOS?

Because without BIOS the computer will not start. Bios is like the 'Basic OS' that interconnects the basic components of the computer and allows it to boot. Even after the main OS is loaded, it can still use the BIOS to talk to the main components.


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